An assessment will aim to identify problems and offer advice and practical solutions on
how to address these. Assessment can take place at home or in school/nursery, or a
combination of both if appropriate. Assessment is generally preceded by a free
consultation over the telephone with you which enables us to have a clear ideas of what
you hope to gain from assessment. Areas covered by the assessment can therefore be
tailored to your needs, but generally may include:
Sensory processing
Gross and fine motor skills
Independence skills
Equipment and /or housing needs
Standardised tests are used where possible to allow
comparison of you child’s performance to other children
their age. Midlands OT have a range of standardised
tests available to suit different needs and ages. Clinical observations and informal
observations of your child are also very important to enable us to see the whole picture.
The child’s and parent’s views are carefully considered to combine our knowledge with
your unique understanding of your child, and to provide plans that are meaningful to you
Every assessment is followed up with a written report which will give clear
recommendations including giving you the next steps as a place to start.
Reports can be prepared for families, solicitors, schools, education authorities and insurers.
Reposts can also be prepared for Education, Health and Care Plans (formerly Statements of
Special educational Needs) and for use at SENDIST tribunals.
Generally a fixed fee for assessment is agreed which will cover the entire service required.
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Occupational Therapy